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Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast

Jul 4, 2018

In todays episode, Aaron asks us to consider what we mean when we say the word profession. Aaron speaks to the model most often used in the literature available on youth work professionalisation. Finally, Aaron discusses whether this model reflects the identity of youth work.

Jul 4, 2018

Over the years I have had hundreds of people speak to me, email me, message me on Facebook even get their parents to reach out with the basic intent of asking the best way to become a youth worker. Honestly I get asked this question so much that I have decided to put it into a podcast for prosperity sakeā€¦ and so I had...

May 29, 2018

In todays Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast "the sociological imagination", Aaron gets us thinking about the need for youth workers to see more than just the individual young person. We look at the work of Sociologist C. Wright Mills and how it relates to youth work. 

May 29, 2018

In todays Ultimate Youth Worker Podcast "You need a mentor", Aaron gets us thinking about the need for mentors in youth work. We look at five things we need to do to find and get a mentor.

May 29, 2018

One of the biggest concerns youth workers have about the job is the lack of career development opportunity to move up the pecking order. Most youth work agencies are rather small or they are a niche within a larger service such as health organisations, education or larger non government conglomerates. This leads...